Have Your Civil Rights Been Violated?
Have you been the victim of racial or sexual discrimination in employment or housing? Do you believe your freedom of speech has been denied? Were you the victim of excessive force or denied due process under the law?
If so, your civil rights – guaranteed under the Constitution – might have been denied, and you may be entitled to damages.
Sheppard, White, Kachergus, & DeMaggio, P.A., maintains an aggressive civil rights practice in state and federal courts. Mr. Sheppard was one of the first civil rights attorneys in Jacksonville and has spent nearly 50 years litigating civil rights cases in Florida. Mr. Sheppard has devoted his professional career to developing and training a team of lawyers to litigate civil rights claims.
We Have Litigated Jacksonville’s Landmark Civil Rights Cases
From successfully requiring the city of Jacksonville to integrate its fire department to winning Florida’s “same-sex marriage” case, Mr. Sheppard and his team are considered the pioneers of civil rights litigation in this state. Some of the other areas we focus on include but are not limited to:
- Due process
- Equal protection
- False arrest
- Freedom of speech
- Excessive force
- Fair housing
- Jail/prison abuse and neglect
- Employment discrimination
- Malicious prosecution
- Race discrimination
- Sex discrimination
- Age discrimination
Our reputation in the field of civil rights law speaks for itself. In addition to numerous other awards, Mr. Sheppard was the 2015 recipient of the Henry Lee Adams, Jr. Diversity Trailblazer Award presented by the Jacksonville Bar Association in recognition of his outstanding leadership for diversity and inclusion efforts.
How To Contact Us
If you feel your civil rights have been violated, call Sheppard, White, Kachergus, & DeMaggio, P.A., at 904-356-9661 or contact us online. Our after-hours number is 904-233-2443.